How To Set S.M.A.R.T. goals for 2019 (and achieve them)
Happy New Year, friends! Can you believe we’re already into the first week of 2019? I had an amazingly relaxing holiday with family, but now I’m ready to hit the ground running! The key for me to set goals for the New Year, is by using the S.M.A.R.T. goals method. So what are S.M.A.R.T. goals, you may ask? According to, when setting goals, use the acronym SMART to help you tackle them: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time bound. I learned all about these in college and it’s something I’ve taken into my adulthood and my business especially.
I love this method because it makes your goals more than just a wish list. Maybe it’s my planner brain, but I love how this method breaks down each thing into steps to hold you accountable. For example, it’s not enough to just write, “Lose weight”. S.M.A.R.T. goals force you to think of how you’ll lose weight and how much weight is considered successful to you. Maybe you wake up early to work out, or run 2 miles every other day, try a Whole 30 diet, etc. Whatever it is, dive into your goals and get very specific about them.

Photo by: Lovisa Photo
Then make sure all your goals all have a way to measure them. Again using the example of weight loss, let’s say it’s a goal to lose 10 pounds in 12 months. Then you know each month, you aim to lose at least one pound, etc. If you can’t measure it, there’s benchmark to hit. If your goal feels overwhelming, break it down and start small. For ex. if you want to lose 10lbs by June, start smaller and break your overall goal down and start with saying you want to lose 2 lbs by the end of January.
This step is so important because it forces you to be really honest with yourself. Is your goal something that is actually achievable for your current season in life? If it’s not, look back at your specific break down of the goal and work in what needs to happen to make this goal a reality. Is it taking a class to learn a new skill or not watching another episode of a Netflix show so you have an extra hour to read or work work out or take that new class? Setting achievable/realistic goals will help you so you’re not feeling disappointed in yourself later for not completing them.
Using relevancy to set goals will help you stay focused and motivated towards accomplishing them. If you want to set a goal for your business, think about if this aligns with what you want your business to look like in the future. If you want to learn a new language, maybe plan a trip to the area so you can utilize the new skill. This will generally go hand in hand with the final step.

Time Bound
This is one of my favorite parts: give yourself a due date for each goal. Think about it realistically and take into account your lifestyle. If you’re unsure of what date to set, look back at what you’ve written for the SMAR portion and that will help you determine your timeline. By giving yourself a concrete date to complete the goal by, you push yourself and hold yourself accountable.
One of the things I love to do after accomplishing a goal of mine is to celebrate with a small reward. Usually indulging on something sweet or grabbing drinks with friends! It makes me want to reach the goal all that much more. Share with me below, what are some of the goals you’re setting this year?
**All thoughts and opinions are my own. I do not receive any compensation for clicking on links provided**