Ways To Include Your Pet For a Purrr-fect Wedding Day

Photo by: Marianne Wilson Photography
As a wedding planner, I know how important it is having your beloved family + friends present for your big day. However, so many of my couples have an important family member that sometimes cannot attend: their pets! Whether it’s a dog, cat, bird, or iguana, our pets play a huge role in our lives. It only makes sense you’d want them as part of a momentous occasion. To help, below is a list of ways you can include your pet in your wedding day!
Walk Them Down The Aisle

Photo by: Sisterlee Photography
The biggest way to include your pets in your wedding day is to have them there on the big day! You can walk with them down the aisle, have them carry rings, or just be there for the wedding portraits. However, check with your venue to make sure they will allow the extra visitor. Some venues may allow it with an additional fee or for a brief period. Some may not be able to have an animal onsite at all. If it’s incredibly important to have your pet as part of your wedding day, consider it while venue hunting.
If you are able to bring your furry loved one, be sure to find someone to help watch after them or take them home after photos or the ceremony. You and your spouse will be busy with photos, dances and other guests. You can ask a family friend to help, or we love using Black Tie Kids! They offer services to help watch over your furry loved ones during the day.
Signature Cocktail Names

Photo by: Dear Lovers
A great way to have Fido as part of the celebration is to name signature cocktails after them. Guests will love ordering this at the bar and it’s such a fun nod to your favorite fur ball! You could also include custom made drink stirrers that resemble your best friend like this couple!
Cake Toppers

Photo by: Jesialex Photography
Another great way to include your pet in your wedding day is in your cake topper! I love how this couple added their two pets and their love of the Dodgers to their wedding cake topper. Or this couple who had figurines of their pets under the family name! These little touches make it a piece of art you can display at your home post wedding.
Custom Cookies

Photo by: Alissa Noelle
If you want to feel like your pet is there on the day, order customized cookies that look like them! This is a great idea to serve as part dessert, part guest favor. They can get a bit pricey depending on how many you order, but the end result is totally worth it!
Include Them In Engagement Photos

Photo by: Simply Adri Photography
One of the easiest ways to include your pet in your wedding day is to invite them to your engagement photo session. (Yet another reason why we feel engagement photo sessions are so important!) Be sure to check with your photographer first! Then double check that the locations you’re taking photos will allow animals. Additionally, we think it’s important to hire additional help so you can get photos with and without your pup.
There you have it! My favorite ways for couples to incorporate man’s best friend in your wedding day! If you’re ready to start planning how to include your pet, contact me on my homepage here and let’s plan!